Iberville Parish Early Childhood Network
Building Families, Changing Lives
Iberville Parish Coordinated Funding Request Click here
Iberville Parish Coordinated Enrollment : Click here for enrollment information
Application Resources
Applications are available at all school sites.
Contact your school of choice to set up an in-person appointment at (225) 687-5400, extensions are listed below.
Please note: Students are not officially enrolled until ALL required documents are received. Please see the list of required documents below. Additional information on the required documents can be found here.
Early Childhood Child Care Based Sites require Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Updated Immunization Record
Early Childhood School Based Sites require Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Updated Immunization Record, copy of insurance card, 2 proofs of residency, proof of income, completed dental & physical forms
Crescent ext. 2057
Dorseyville ext. 3020
East Iberville ext. 4024
Iberville: A Montessori Program ext. 6030
MSA East ext. 1408
MSA West ext. 5010
North Iberville ext. 7020
Ready Start Application
(Birth - 2 years old)
Iberville Parish Coordinated Enrollment Application (Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4)
Iberville Parish Coordinated Enrollment Application (Spanish)

COVID precautions: Only one person is allowed per appointment
with a completed application, required documents and wearing a mask.