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Public Notice
Early Childhood Access -Assurances

Provide specific information as to how the Lead Agency provided opportunities for each publicly-funded program in the community network and the general public in the coverage area to comment on the proposed funding request. Include dates and events.

Coordinated Funding was discussed with Community Partners at the January 21 Leadership Team Meeting. The proposal will be posted to the early childhood website for the next two weeks to allow for public comment. All comments will be added to the proposal after the window closes. (Jan. 24-Feb. 7).


Provide information about the criteria and process used to develop the community network request and describe how the criteria were used in selection of providers.

Criteria set forth by the LDOE was used to select centers that could request seats. Only centers rated Proficient or above were selected.  If a center was ranked as Proficient or above, then we checked Teach LA for ancillary certificates.


Provide information about how your Child Count numbers were used to develop the community network request and describe how the Child Count numbers were shared with your partners.

Community Partners analyzed Oct. 1 child count and center capacity to determine how many seats would be requested. Child Count numbers are shared with partners at monthly meetings.


List any community concerns or comments.

None at this time.

Community Network Local Match


Overview: In April 2020, BESE promulgated rules and regulations for the Louisiana Early Childhood Education (ECE) Fund. Funding available through the ECE Fund will be awarded annually to local entities to expand the number of publicly-funded seats in Type III early learning centers for economically-disadvantaged families. In order to be eligible for these funds, local entities must demonstrate that they have secured a non-state and non-federal funding match at a rate of at least one-to-one of the amount they are seeking from the ECE Fund. Lead agencies should use these questions to preliminarily demonstrate their local match, if applicable. If not applicable, leave blank. Funds generated through School Readiness Tax Credit eligible donations are not considered an eligible non-state match. Funds generated through tuition-based seats are not considered an eligible non-state match. Matching funds may come from local or city parish funding, foundations, grants, philanthropist and individual donations, local businesses, etc.


Has your early childhood community network or Ready Start Network already secured any non-state or non-federal funding to support B-3 seats in early childhood programs in the 2022-2023 academic year?



If so, how much non-state and non-federal funding will your community network or Ready Start Network already have secured for the 2022-2023 academic year by March 2022? 



Does your community network or Ready Start Network anticipate securing any additional non-state or non-federal funding to support B-3 seats in early childhood programs between March 2022 and the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year? 



If so, how much non-state and non-federal funding does your community network or Ready Start Network anticipate securing in total (including already secured and anticipated funding) for the 2022-2023 academic year? 



How many B-3 seats do you anticipate this local funding supporting in the 2022-2023 school year? 



Click here to download a PDF of the Coordinated Funding Request.


If you would like to provide comment, please email


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Iberville Early Childhood Program    58030 Plaquemine St.     Plaquemine, LA 70764


©2020 by Iberville Parish Early Childhood Program

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